bees sometimes fly, like flies, but not exactly like flies; though they do fly. Bees do. Well, flies also fly, but differently. Not that differently if you don’t care about such distinctions, but pretty differently if you do. I wish I could fly. That last one wasn’t a bee fact. It was a me fact.
According to all known laws
of aviation, there is no way a bee
should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.
Bees store the nectar in a honey stomach, where no digestions happen at all. So it’s not bug vomit.
They’re also bees, which are notably distinct from humans in ways almost too numerous to count.
Can I please have another bee fact?
bees sometimes fly, like flies, but not exactly like flies; though they do fly. Bees do. Well, flies also fly, but differently. Not that differently if you don’t care about such distinctions, but pretty differently if you do. I wish I could fly. That last one wasn’t a bee fact. It was a me fact.
I read this with Morgan Freeman voice and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thank you. Never have I rejoiced more in the rereading of my own comment.
That was bumble bees specifically, and we do know how they fly
“Vomit” doesn’t require digestion to be called vomit. If it was in a stomach and then came back out via a mouth, it’s vomit.
So you’re calling a newborn baby vomit? (/s)
Though the baby’s path has lips it’s really not a mouth
They’re clearly vaginal shit
Are bees a ruminant?