Reminder: Watch The Game Awards on Twitch to earn Sevagoth - eviltoast


As announced on Devstream 175, Rebecca Ford and Megan Everett will present Whispers in the Walls at The Game Awards on December 7th. Warframe will also be running a Twitch Drop for the entire duration of The Game Awards.

Watch The Game Awards at for 30 minutes with a linked Account to earn a built Sevagoth Warframe!

To receive the drop, make sure your Warframe and Twitch accounts are linked; you can do so here. Just like on Devstreams, you must actively claim the Drop on your Drops & Rewards page on Twitch after watching for 30 minutes to receive Sevagoth.

The Game Awards will commence on December 7th at 7:30 p.m. ET. Click here to convert to your timezone: