I am deleting my account - eviltoast

Following up on the crisis this site has been going through these past few days, I have decided that it would be best for me to leave the Hexbear community in disgrace. The decision is, of course, motivated in part by the recognition that my initial response to the CW-worthy event was wildly incorrect, immoral, legally questionable, and frankly indicative of severe gaps in social-sexual knowledge that would make one unworthy of being anywhere but among the fascists and libertarians. However, I have also made this decision because I feel that the official admin response to this incident was waaaay too weak. We’re talking about


statutory rape of a teenager by a 31-year-old and people here sympathizing with the adult because he showed remorse and wanted to kill himself.

I am quite honestly extremely disappointed in our usually good admins for not taking a harder stand on this grave and pretty black-and-white case, even at my own expense. Fasicts and transphobes automatically get the wall, but not sex pests? Seriously. Do better, mods.

By this time tomorrow, my account will be long gone. I suppose my one wish is that I be placed next to Rebr0, TC69, and 7DeadlyFetishes in the Hall of Infamy. I’m really sorry for engaging in victim blaming for even a second, and I’m also sorry for letting down everyone here who cared about me. This was a place where I truly felt accepted, yet I blew it. Perhaps it’s best that I be sussed out as a problematic character and purged. Not sure how I’ll proceed offline (I should probably get my victim blaming sorted out before anything else tho), but I’ll manage. It was really nice getting to know many of you, and who knows? Maybe if I can get my act together, I’ll come back (if you would have me.) Thank you all for the good times here, and I sincerely wish you all the best.
