Are there any effective self-hosted applications to turn 'read it later' into 'read it now'? - eviltoast

I’m dyslexic and have ADHD while studying and working in mental health. I’ll do self directive research at work to better myself when I have a little ‘ah ha!’ moment, it’s still scattered but naturally I’m interested. While the stuff for study gets sidelined into a doom pile of saved articles and overwhelm. My “to-read” list would just keep growing, and the articles I saved in “read-it-later” apps would often end up being “never-read”. 

So I am curious to ask, do you guys use any read-it-later apps? Ever run into any issues while using them?

For me, I use pocket but I quickly fall behind - way more in than out. That’s primarily down to me and my efforts but the application itself does nothing to assist me.

If you’ve had the same struggle, how did you tackle it? Or could you recommend some tools that might help?

Interested in everyone’s thoughts.

    1 year ago

    Indeed a process issue. My OneNote share can attest to this (I’ve saved gobs of articles to “Quick Notes”.

    I recently restructured OneNote using the PARA idea: Projects, Areas of Responsibility, Resources, Archive.

    Now when I save an article, I must file it properly at save time. It’s really helped.