This cmnty needs more posts, so here's an (I think) up-to-date list of upcoming movies. What are you stoked on? - eviltoast

I didn’t realize Deadpool 3 is the only movie next year. Should be sweet!

Also I’m trying new shorthand for “community,” let’s see how it plays out.

    1 year ago

    Don’t pay too much attention to the Marvels detractors. I went this last week for my birthday and it was a lot of fun.

    This was pretty visible in Ms. Marvel, but Marvels cements that Iman Vellani is as inspired of casting as any of the early avengers. Carol gets a bit more of a chance to become more in touch with the humanity she’s lost. (I don’t disagree that she felt a bit wooden in Captain Marvel, but I thought it worked for her journey. Sort of like the opposite of Dr. Manhattan loosing his humanity). Monica gets the short shrift in character development, but she still has a few good moments, she suffers because of the short run time, she’s not given as much room to bloom with the other leads. The return of Goose is a lot of fun.