Anyone have a traefik config for Netboot? - eviltoast

I’m pretty new to traefik, but I have a basic understanding and got everything setup. Setting up Netbootxyz, is it bit more complicated. It has 3 ports 3000, 69 (UDP), and 80.

I added routers rule , entrypoints, and tls.certresolver for both 3000 and 80, and set 80 to be web instead of websecure for entrypoint. I also added services loadblancer for each to so it knows which port since there is more than one. (I usually don’t add load balancer as there is only one exposed port).

I haven’t tested this yet, as I don’t know what to do about 69/udp. If I leave it at 69:69/udp, I don’t think it will work as it won’t resolve the URL and proxy through traefik, but not sure how I should set up Traefik for it.

I would like all ports to respond on the FQDN.

So far my traefik labels look like this.



- 3000

- 69:69/udp

- 80

traefik.http.routers.netbootxyz.rule: Host(``)

traefik.http.routers.netbootxyz.entrypoints: websecure

traefik.http.routers.netbootxyz.tls.certresolver: myresolver 3000

traefik.http.routers.netbootxyzassets.rule: Host(``)

traefik.http.routers.netbootxyzassets.entrypoints: web

traefik.http.routers.netbootxyzassets.tls.certresolver: myresolver 80
