Excluding the obvious ones such as politics, what topics can't you stand listening to people talk about? - eviltoast

For me it’s detailed describtions about people’s dreams.

Not only doesn’t your story make any sense, but you’re also telling me about something that didn’t even happen. It’s kind of like telling about an event, and then ending the story by saying you just made it all up, except with dreams you begin by telling it’s all made up. I’m already not interested before you even started.

    • Usernameblankface@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Yup, I figured I would not be the first to say this.

      I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t mind a hearing a quick overview of whatever the latest game is, but I really really don’t want to hear a half hour analysis of which player on what team is going to lead them to victory and why coach x is far better than coach y.

    • TheAmishMan@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      This, but primarily when someone is confounded by the idea that im not into sports. Ive had this happen with a few things, but sports are one of the weireder ones. I mean to the point of them going, nah you like sports, then continuing ro go on a rant about sone game.like i know im into a lot of stuff others arent, but if they sont want to talk about it, thats perfectly fine

      • shalafi@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        LOL, when I moved to the South (American) people were stunned that I knew nothing about the SEC (regional college football conference) and didn’t have a favorite.

        It was a big deal, for both men and women, around the office. Now that I’m at a software dev, people rarely comment, and only on their local team.

        Go local sports team!