Feel that all dating apps nowadays are an absolute scam so curious if anyone here has actually had any success with dating apps and if so what app what is it?
Feel that all dating apps nowadays are an absolute scam so curious if anyone here has actually had any success with dating apps and if so what app what is it?
Only if Grindr counts as a “dating” app.
Grindr is a dating app for only gay people right?
It’s mostly just for hookups and not actual dating, but yeah.
I had a gay housemate and like every other day he was bringing this random guy to the house who he hooked up with through this app. I was just like damn man! You get so much success with this app lol.
My gf’s roommate was flipping through his phone one night and said “I’m feeling like Indian tonight.”
She said “Oh, get me some chicken biryani!”
He said “Not that kind of Indian” and showed her he was flipping through Grindr
Fucking basically counts as dating