If you were to create a 'Privacy User Manual' for the internet, what would be your top three essential tips for individuals to protect their online privacy? - eviltoast

For me it would be the following:

  1. Don’t reuse usernames/names
  2. Avoid using social media
  3. Use Tor/VPN when you can
  • Zastyion345@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    Use strong master password. Use a 2fa / passkey. Use reputable secure one like bitwarden or better a offline one like keepassXC.

    Password managers are great tools that if used correctly can be very good but when you use them incorrectly it can go very wrong.

    The main thing that they solve is week passwords, and passwords that are reused.

    • Nik282000@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      Keepass wiht my kdbx in a webdav share with basic auth is the tits. I can access and modify it remotely and it’s easy to detect and block any bots/users who are snooping and trying to access the webdav share. After 3 years of using this setup I’ve only had a dozen hits on that directory out of the hundreds of thousands of bot requests.