can we please keep this community about technology and not Twitter/X and elon news? - eviltoast
    1 年前

    This is an absurd position. I agree there could stand to be fewer posts. I don’t need to hear fifteen times that Mastodon has record increases (which would actually qualify as technology news by your standards, wouldn’t it?). But I would like to see it once. A limitation to keeping one popular article (as determined by the mods) per discrete news item would be a far better approach.

    I’m not interested in hearing about how Elon took over an X Twitter account yet again. I am very interested however in hearing that companies will lose verification on Twitter unless they buy enough ads. That is currently newsworthy.

    It’s clear that a substantial number of users are interested in hearing about this. It’s also clear that a substantial number of users are sick of hearing about this. There should be a compromise to find a middle ground, not either extreme of “as many posts about Twitter as you’d like” nor “no posts about Twitter at all”.