I wonder why Hitler never got his… Because, as we learn nowadays, he clearly deserved some international rewards for all the good deeds for the humanity he and his capitalist friendos committed.
Back then he was nominated as a joke. Now he would be nominated seriously.
History repeats itself, first as farce, second as tragedy.
- Mark Carls
Nazi, nazi or nazi… Who to pick 🤔
US: we love Muslims, look at our support for Uyghurs!!!
Navalny: Muslims are cockroaches and I support the US bombing them.
Did Navalny say that in some form or manner?
WTF, I can spam this in the face of anyone who ever told me again Navalny was a democratic mister nice guy and Putin alternative.
After this they are usually back to “he’s not a nazi”.
Fun fact: He was kicked from Yabloko party for being too rightwing and hanging with other neonazis and Yabloko was famous for taking in basically anyone.
In addition to Zelensky’s many, many war crimes. Just today he called for NATO to nuke Russia first. So of course he’s gonna win.
Well Obama set the bar for peace prize very high with waging 5 wars. To top this one would have to either bomb the nobel comittee itself or maybe start nuclear armageddon idk.
the man calling for a nuclear first strike, oh yeah he should totally get the peace prize
If he wins, then no one will ever take the Nobel Peace Prize seriously again.
If people take it seriously after Obama winning, I really don’t think Zelenskyj is going to be a PR problem.
Wrong. You could go way back to Kissinger in 1973.
Or Roosevelt in 1906
FDR is said to be one of the greatest USA presidents. Enlighten me.
He was, but that bar is incredibly low. And anyways i meant Theodore Roosevelt (look the date).