Anon is disillusioned about Starfield - eviltoast
    1 year ago

    Well, the problem is: I don’t care for pre-release hype/hate. I try on my own with unclouded judgement. So I didn’t know what they were promising or not. Who cares what marketing-departments puke out? They never are on par with the actual thing.

    As for the rest. If you consider the writing ‘amateurish’ then a) I must be easily entertained, as I found it great (for a game) b) what GREAT writing in games have you recently had? Without sarcasm, the bar is low with AAA. c) considering it was one of the very very few SciFi-RPGs, it surely was one of the best. There are just so many without dragons and wizards and elves for a change.

    Honstely, I don’t know what you want to be fixed, I had two runthroughs with zero problems. Everything worked perfectly fine for what I needed a mod to make it perfectly fine in the first run.

    To me, they earn a labour-of-love-whatever-award. It works, it’s great, it’s worth it’s asking-price. Surely better than Starfield, Diablo4 and whatever else recent AAA-fails were brought upon us.

    IMHO at least. And no, I’m no fanboy or hater, I don’t care for those things. No bugs and I’m having fun => I’m happy, I buy again. Bugs and I don’t have fun => Fork you in the eye.

      1 year ago

      Okay, but this was more than prerelease hype. This was showing footage to players things they can do, with the explicit intention of driving up pre-orders and day one sales (I think pre-ordering is extremely silly, I don’t participate, but that’s neither here nor there). Lying about your product to get people to pay $60 for it is extremely unethical, and some EU governments found it to be enough to take them to court over. So this is beyond your personal ‘judgments’. Sorry.

      Limiting this arbitrary contest to just AAA games is pretty silly, seeing as they have the budget to hire amazing writers, and some of them get blown out of the water by indie titles. That’s not the argument you think it is. Gaming is just wider than that, and I would argue the boundaries should be expanded to include all entertainment seeing as all forms of entertainment are making a bid for your limited time/attention, but that’s just me. If you must have ONLY AAA games, then Red Dead games, GTA, and Mass Effect games are some from off the top of my head. Granted I don’t play that many.

      Your bar for labor-of-love must be really really low if a game just working is enough for you. That same year, No Man’s Sky was much more deserving of the award as it isn’t being made by a corporation with endless resources, and yet it managed to improve itself at least twice as much.

      Tbh, you writing out several paragraphs defending yourself for enjoying Cyberpunk kinda smells like fanboy behavior to me. You try to be reductionist and dismissive a lot in what you wrote, which is pretty lame and anti-intellectual. We’re here to discuss the facts, not what you enjoy spending your money on. More power to you, spend your money however, but I’m not here to discuss that with you.