How do you relax/rest? - eviltoast

I understand that I have to relax every now and then, however I am really struggling with it, being constantly in an endless loop of:

  1. Having a lot of energy and doing a bunch of stuff for a couple of weeks.
  2. Getting exhausted to the point I cannot control my impulsions and wreck my daily routine
  3. Try to rest only to fall in a depressive state for a couple of weeks.
  4. Collect myself up and repeat from step 1.

Trying to do low effort activities like watching a series or playing video games, is addictive, I stay up late without being able to stop, and end up more tired.

The hobbies I like require focus, and that’s what I am trying to avoid. Examples include programming and chess.

Going out with friends is nice but drains my social energy, after a couple of weekends out I need to stay in.

Chores sometimes work, but other times I feel guilty about the state of cleanliness of my home.

So, how do you relax/rest? Got a magic recipe? Are you struggling like me?

Edit: I just want to say this community is awesome, thanks for the support.

    1 year ago

    I haven’t found a way to actually rest properly. Closest I come is doing something which requires Littles focus, has basically no state of failure but is still satisfying to me.

    For me that’s painting miniatures. I can remove the paint and repaint if I don’t like the result. It requires focus but for me very little and it allows me to rest my mind or listen to a podcast or music while doing so.

    Few other activities work for me. Video games can work but only if the game is super chill and requires little focus like Dorfrimantik for example. Or turn based games on general such as civilization. But there is still the addiction issue you talked about.

    But overall it’s tough. Actually resting also makes me depressed. I need to do stimulating activities to keep my mind healthy. That issue is especially noticeable when any job makes me too exhausted or eats all my time to do my hobbies.