You had unrestricted access to the internet as a child, didn't you? - eviltoast
    1 year ago

    My father was very tech oriented and worked for a community college as a technician, which enabled him to get used and outdated computers for cheap if not free, as well as his hobby of scouring the area for any computer equipment for sale or being disposed of to find anything of value.

    So, by age 5 I had a computer in my bedroom. Not a powerful one mind you, the thing could barely run Doom which came out that year (1993) and it some kind of DOS that didn’t even use a mouse. Later that same year we got the internet which my father hooked into the home network he setup. While he tried to put some safeguards and restrictions on its use, it didn’t taken my sisters an myself long at all to figure out how to bypass and defeat those restrictions. Nor that long for me to figure out how to view another computer on the network and see what they had been up to, finding my dads search history and also finding his poorly executed attempt at restricting search terms which just made me look all those things up after disabling the file that was supposed to block them.