AI startup 11x will rent you a bot to find you sales prospects, craft an appropriate email, and schedule an appointment to pitch a sale to them. Wow! So how’s 11x doing? It’s landed $74 million in …
AI sales startup Never claims customers it doesn’t have for software that doesn’t work
See how that risks getting really confusing without commas or quotes?
They’re called appositive commas and they surround “not essential” add-on information. The name of the startup here is not truly essential, it’s added just for color (pretty sure nobody’d think, “oh, a typo” if they wrote “12x”).
I’m assuming you’re a mod or admin here? I’m surprised you took my explanation as lecturing… I was merely explaining in what way that title is wrong when you mocked my comment. No offense meant.
Stand up straight when I’m talking to you!
I never knew you were a person who wielded a lot of power here. I’m glad you mentioned that, as anyone with confidence in themselves should.
If I catch you missing another capital letter or punctuation mark, you’re off to the principal, you hear me?
Please accept my apologies and hope that we can overlook this momentary lapse on my part. Please, no ban?
but while you’re briefly still here, you know what really helped me when I was 13 and still an absolute shithead about what I was led to believe was the one true proper english, to the detriment of my ability to write with tone and feeling?
I read achewood and I finally understood how to write with texture
anyway you won’t take this advice because you’re the type who gets off on incorrecting someone else’s writing, but for a better audience than you: read achewood and finally understand
,ahahaha, what,
AI sales startup Never claims customers it doesn’t have for software that doesn’t work
See how that risks getting really confusing without commas or quotes?
They’re called appositive commas and they surround “not essential” add-on information. The name of the startup here is not truly essential, it’s added just for color (pretty sure nobody’d think, “oh, a typo” if they wrote “12x”).
@NoSpotOfGround @self
[Guy who just learned what an appositive comma is]: “Hey, this could really benefit from some appositive commas”
The name of the company is actually important information in a news story about a company.
And yes, if you change the headline to one that is confusing, then it becomes confusing.
wow! imagine if this post was funny, informative, or even fucking correct at all
I notice you didn’t give an example of the title with appositive commas though. maybe because it flows like shit?
or alternatively, and hear me out here
lecture me on fucking grammar again like a mediocre grade school teacher and get banned
I’m assuming you’re a mod or admin here? I’m surprised you took my explanation as lecturing… I was merely explaining in what way that title is wrong when you mocked my comment. No offense meant.
Stand up straight when I’m talking to you!
I never knew you were a person who wielded a lot of power here. I’m glad you mentioned that, as anyone with confidence in themselves should.
If I catch you missing another capital letter or punctuation mark, you’re off to the principal, you hear me?
Please accept my apologies and hope that we can overlook this momentary lapse on my part. Please, no ban?
Wow, look at that sass. Are you doing anything later tonight? 'Cause I doubt you’ll be posting here.
Hey, your reply earlier was pretty sassy and funny too. I upvoted!
hahaha yeah nah this ain’t it
but while you’re briefly still here, you know what really helped me when I was 13 and still an absolute shithead about what I was led to believe was the one true proper english, to the detriment of my ability to write with tone and feeling?
I read achewood and I finally understood how to write with texture
anyway you won’t take this advice because you’re the type who gets off on incorrecting someone else’s writing, but for a better audience than you: read achewood and finally understand
Cool. Do Oxford comma next!