Because wages are too low.
And because companies don’t have to give any benefits to part time employees and “contractors”, so the profiteering bastards deliberately hire more people with fewer hours each at said far too low wages.
Fucking wealth disparity putting more and more people into precarity. Saved a click, though I can’t be sure Forbes came to the same conclusion.
I tried getting a job online, I get no response. 3 days after my scheduled interview appointment, I find the email notice in my fucking Google spam folder.
Needless to say, I didn’t get that job. How the hell do people get jobs through online applications?
When you’re applying to jobs, you should be a little more diligent about picking up the phone and checking your email. It sucks but no one’s gonna do it for you.
It’s unusual for the response to go to the spam folder, but I guess now you know? Go apply some more, and watch your spam folder this time.
Yeah, that threw me off too, like why the hell would the scheduled interview email come from some totally random server that nobody even knows? It sure as hell wasn’t the server I connected with to file the application in the first place.
So, Google, in their infinite wisdom, automatically filed their response email as spam. Sigh…