Edit: I love this community so much, thank you all for trying to help!
The trick is to run on your toes
Do cycling.
Holy shit. This is what’s wrong with me. I was working and taking 15,000 steps a day and now I’m staying home with the kids and getting no exercise other than the anxiety of running back and forth between them.
Try cycling. Much easier on the knees.
I did pivot to cycling. But once my knee is already shit, even cycling often makes it worse. So I pivoted to swimming. Swimming was fine so far, but just now, my knee started hurting after a few laps, which inspired me to vent my frustration through this meme.
You could try becoming a Skyrim guard
Are you swimming with a waterproof knee brace? That may help your endurance to build back up strength.
I kept getting injured swimming so my doctor insisted I need to do gym too, apparently it helps strengthen your body to avoid injuries.
Yep, I used to always get “random injuries “ until I started lifting. Now, I only get scheduled injuries. Lol
Aw man, gyms are expensive. Hope I can get somewhere with calisthenics.
You can go very far with calisthenics, but I found it’s much harder to get into. There’s an additional skill level required to perform the exercises, and the progression is much more visual (for example “cannot do pull-ups -> can do pull-ups”). That can be a bit disheartening while still in the “can’t” period. You have to start with easier variations of moves and change them up as you progress towards the “real” exercises. With weight training the only thing that really drastically changes as you progress is the number on the plates. But calisthenics definitely are the way to go IMO, it’s much better for you, gives you a nicer looking body, more mobility and flexibility and more real world uses. Maybe just add a bit of weight stuff early on just because it’s easier.
Fair, if you have space it can be worth investing on a few weights and maybe a mat, can do a lot with very little!
Calisthenics can definitely help build muscle, especially if you’re a beginner. And while gyms can be expensive, you can get more than your money’s worth from a planet fitness. It’s 10 bucks a month and 30 bucks once a year. Pretty reasonable if you actually use it.
Have you seen a fysio? Often early knee problems have more to do with the flexibility of the surrounding muscles.
Lol just throwing this out there, I have a terrible shoulder from swimming. If you feel any weird popping or discomfort REST and see a PT or swimming coach to work on form.
Do swimming, too. It’s even better on the whole body
Even just walking at a Brisk pace is better. In fact if you’re not actually sprinting there’s no real Health difference between jogging and walking quickly other than the aforementioned less pressure on the knees
Cycling, swimming, rowing machine.
Throw in some pull ups/pushups/squats and you’ll love what you see + have very functional muscles across the board. You don’t even need to do a bunch of weights when you do squats. Just squat the bar every time you go work out. Great way to just keep your legs and such tuned
Probably not as good as walking/running…but the elliptical at a gym could really do the trick with very little knee pressure.
I ran a lot when I was younger; had to stop because of a knee injury, too. It never stops sucking but hopefully you can find something better on your knees that still helps you.
The fact that running reduced your symptoms is absolutely awesome, it’s never been as effective for me. It’s proof that you CAN beat this, that things can change. That is the ULTIMATE win. You’ve got this!
Fuck, that sucks!
Idk why but you saying it like it is improved my mood just now
Sometimes we just need someone to acknowledge that our situation is shitty. It can be downright therapeutic. Jumping straight into possible solutions is obviously a helpful thing to do, but sometimes it’s important to grieve a little first.
I was standing up from the toilet one day and my knee pooped and it hurts randomly now
Did your knee poop out your kneecap?
Same. I switched to skipping (jump rope) and haven’t looked back.
I told my rheumatologist, „don’t worry, my dog keeps me busy!”. My dog is now on biologic treatment for osteoarthritis while I’m waiting for mine for an autoimmune arthritis XD
I have a fucked up knee too. some days i wish i could hack it off and strap a table leg to the stump.
*cries in ehlers-danlos*
That’s so frustrating!!!
I’m in a similar boat, where my joints are really whiny and won’t let me run nearly as hard as I’d want to. I found a lot of daily stretching and sleeping with a pillow between my legs helps a lot. Still, my knees or hips wake me up more frequently than I’d like.
Also some strength training can feel like a cardio workout and actually strengthens the muscles around your treacherous joints.
Sorry to jump into solutionising… This one just really cuts close to home.
No reason to be sorry!
Good point, I might just switch to calisthenics for a little while. And yeah, I do need to stretch more!
Is the accessible caption showing up? I made one, but can’t see it anywhere after posting.
I was just today wondering how to view alttext on Lemmy, and if people were actually using those here. On Mastodon I’ve gotten into the habit of reading alttext and I like that. Although I can see, it gives extra information about the intention of the OP. But apparently I can’t view them here (at least in the Voyager app).
Hm, I don’t see it either.
I like walking more. I can listen to radio recordings / streams longer while doing it.
I got into running when I was younger and messed up my foot lol. It’s hard. I do yoga now.