life/career advice - eviltoast

I’m graduating in May with a CS degree. I’ve been super conflicted about what I want to do afterwards, either accept a job here in the US or do a master’s degree somewhere in Europe (thinking Norway) with the intention of trying to move there permanently.

Right now I’m in the final stages of interviewing for a state government job - a pretty meaningful sounding job in a state I’d really love to live in. The pay is pretty shit though, about $50k, but I figure I could try to find something else once I get a year or two of experience. But I’ve kind of always wanted to live in another country and I have ~$40k in student loans and completely ruined credit for the next 6+ years. Like I won’t be able to get any kind of loan for a long time, even finding apartments here is a pain in the ass.

Weirdly, I’d be way better off financially if I move abroad. I’m just a little tired of school since I’ve been in school forever (I fucked around in undergrad for like 4 years and got nowhere, then switched majors… so 6? 7? years) and a MS in CS doesn’t sound as helpful as work experience. Also, immigrating is hard. I worry about not being able to find a job after the master’s and feeling like I wasted 2 years.

I change my mind about what I want to do like every other day, idk what to do.