I haven’t been full banned yet but have grown tired of the amazing levels of stupidity. I caught a temp ban for incivility for writing “Your mother should have gone through with her Planned Parenthood appointment.”
Tbh you can catch bans for that here but beauty of fediverse is that power tripping mods have limited ability to ban you fedi wide so freedom enjoyer’s just go do their discourse on other sub’s and servers
Reddit full bore banned me for saying “I should have a legal right to punch nazis” and declined my appeal.
Reddit is unironically nazi aligned and that’s not a joke it’s terrifying.
Reddit is aligned with the corporate overlords of the US, which are nazi aligned.
I haven’t been full banned yet but have grown tired of the amazing levels of stupidity. I caught a temp ban for incivility for writing “Your mother should have gone through with her Planned Parenthood appointment.”
To be fair, that’s kinda deserved. You could experience the same here.
There are plenty of other reasons to hate on Reddit, but acting in a fairly civil manner should be expected.
Glad to have you here though! 😊
Banning people who aren’t “safe spacey enough” is fucking stupid.
People can be abrasive. People can be mean. People will absolutely take your shit if you let them.
Hiding from them in a bubble doesn’t make them disappear (and shockingly sometimes they have points to make).
So your argument is that we potentially lose valuable insight?
I agree in principle, but it is hard to balance.
Because without a certain amount of civility we potentially lose the voice of minorities and oppressed groups of people.
In a free democratic country you of course should be legally allowed to be abrasive and say mean hurtful things.
How would you balance/solve this dilemma on a social network? The same way as the law?
I am a bit torn here
Not very civil of you dear…
Tbh you can catch bans for that here but beauty of fediverse is that power tripping mods have limited ability to ban you fedi wide so freedom enjoyer’s just go do their discourse on other sub’s and servers
I find that answer amazing and I will adopt it from now on to all the orange guy followers, cheers
Go forth with my blessings.
But… but… Won’t someone think of the poor innocent nazis???
(I got a warning for pretty much the same reason and decided not to hang around until I got a full ban.)