Your Ideal RPG Series or Campaign - eviltoast

Saw a discussion on reddit today and thought it might be interesting. Name the system, media influences, and basic plot ideas. Mine is: Over The Edge, Film Noir: Four friends in 1935 are involved in a plane crash in the desert and end up in Al Amarja. Stuck without papers or passports, the group is forced to take piece work from the criminal element to survive. A cross between The Maltese Falcon, Naked Lunch, The Lost Weekend, and Sullivan’s Travels.

    16 hours ago

    System: Fate

    Concept: “What if we fix the world with violence?”. Sort of the non-sephiroth parts of FF7. Near future cyberpunk ecoterrorism. The villains have money and the power that brings, but they’re still mortal. Find when their board meeting is happening, set off a bomb in the office. Find where the CEO gets lunch, shoot him in the back of the head. Senator voting to defund public education? Wow what are the odds he’d drown in his bathtub?

    I did sort of get a game of this going for a while, but the players ended up being a little weaker than I wanted, and the “make allies with other people who hate your enemies” was slow to catch on.

    I also probably let too many tangents sprawl out.

    One of them also rolled well below average, based on analysis one of the players did of the dice bot.