GTAVI will not be just a console exclusive, probably it will become an Epic Store exclusive on PC. There could be tons of useless discussion about what companies shoud or should not do; but in the end, companies exist only to the extend of their customer’s money.
T2 strategy paid off, becouse their customer bougt GTAV repetedtly when came on PS3 generation, then PS4, then PS4Pro, then Epic Store and etc. etc.They sold one single AAA multiple time with relatively low effort (definetly not the cost of this many AAA games): their growth was done on their customer’s stupidity, so they now employ the same exact stratgy that works on stupid people… and make money.
GTAVI will not be just a console exclusive, probably it will become an Epic Store exclusive on PC. There could be tons of useless discussion about what companies shoud or should not do; but in the end, companies exist only to the extend of their customer’s money. T2 strategy paid off, becouse their customer bougt GTAV repetedtly when came on PS3 generation, then PS4, then PS4Pro, then Epic Store and etc. etc.They sold one single AAA multiple time with relatively low effort (definetly not the cost of this many AAA games): their growth was done on their customer’s stupidity, so they now employ the same exact stratgy that works on stupid people… and make money.