TIFU by asking my gf to be more vocal in bed - eviltoast
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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/TiktaalikFrolic on 2025-03-09 16:31:37+00:00.

So this is a pretty simple tifu that happened years ago, but it still lives in my head rent free.

I was in college, and dating this girl who was a little more on the introverted/shy side. We had good sexual chemistry, but she tended to be very quiet during sex. I, like most people, like it when my partner lets me know they’re feeling good, so I started to ask her to be more vocal during sex. At one point this conversation took place:

Me: “I would really like it if you let me know when I’m making you cum”

Her: “What am I supposed to say?”

Me: “I don’t know, whatever comes to mind. I’ll just enjoy you letting me know when it’s happening”

Fast forward to the next time we’re doing the deed. She’s being very quiet, but I can tell she’s getting close. I can see her getting wound tighter but getting ready to say something. I’m very much appreciating that she’s about to do what asked… and then she says it…

“Bombs away!”

All heat of the moment was entirely lost on me as the intense romantic immersion was shattered.

Afterwards when I asked her to please never say it that way again she obviously replied “well you said I could say anything.”

We eventually broke up for, believe it or not, overall communication issues in the relationship.

TL/DR: I asked my gf at the time to let me know when I got her to completion and the phrase she chose was “bomb’s away!”