“Windows is a good OS”
How do I post a photo in comments? New here due to Reddit ban.
You’re asking the wrong person. Due either to my client, or my instance, I get, like, a 20% success rate on attaching images. Most of the time I get an error.
On my client, there’s a little picture icon. When I click that, it lets me select a picture and, if the wind is blowing in the right direction and the stars align, the picture is embedded. Otherwise, I upload to catbox.moe and manually embed the URL. The markdown syntax for an embedded image is:

If you’re using voyager you can just copy and paste and it will handle it, usually, assuming your instance has image uploads enabled.
I’m on Mlem, seems easier to navigate.
I know mlem just got a new update, so I can’t comment on that BUT I can say that always come back to voyager.
It’s as close to the Apollo Reddit client as there is (as far as I’m aware)
I’ve been playing around with the different options, Mlem isn’t bad. Voyager’s interface was a little all over the place for me.
On desktop, you can just paste it.
You can do markdown, so

I use Jerboa client on Android. It feels very much like the Reddit is Fun app.
There are rich text buttons at the bottom of the new post field. One is a photo icon, click that and it takes you to your photo/file browser to select a pic.
Here’s a pic I took of Earth’s bff, la Luna.
i usually just have the picture in my clipboard and then ctrl+v. it should be uploaded and the markdown link added for you
I love your username, my WiFi name is prettyflyforawifi
Appreciate it. I’m on mobile, but I think I figure it out.
This is my primary use of reddit.
Late night shitposting, i instantly forget, and seeing lots of interesting comments in the morning.
A bunch are usually people disagreeing and making up situations to make themselves right… i.e., you posit that the sky appeared blue when you went outside today, the replies are: not if it’s night, not during cloudy days, etc. and at least one that sounds like they disagree but are reiterating what you just said.
I’ve made this observation before, but the funniest thing about Lemmy is that !ShowerThoughts posts elicit more controversy than !UnpopularOpinion. Like, someone posts “I love pineapple on pizza” in !ShowerThoughts, and it’s downvoted to hell with people writing long essays about how pineapple on pizza is justification for bringing back shock treatment. The same thing posted to !UnpopularOpinion brings out a mob of people saying how not unpopular an opinion that is, quoting statistics about how Hawaiian Pizza is the most popular pizza in America. It’s absolutely hilarious, and one of the few areas where the Lemmy community is truly contrarian just for contrarian’s sake.
With the exception of populations of some instances which I won’t hex by bearishly naming, and a few individually excessive dicks (or trolls, but I think most are really just assholes), the Lemmy community tends to argue in good faith, admit when they’re wrong or have had their minds changed, and are generally polite netizens in most exchanges. But !ShowerThoughts and !UnpopularOpinion just being out the contrarian in people, for some reason.
people writing long essays about how pineapple on pizza is justification for bringing back shock treatment.
I’m here for the essays. To read them…and to write them.
Have to get it out of my brain.
Unpopular opinion is just posting things that plenty of people actually agree with. Like pineapple pizza. An actual unpopular opinion would be something like agreeing with restricting abortion or something difficult that elicits very strong feelings.
Actual unpopular opinions are not allowed on unpopular opinion
Similarly actual shitposts are banned in shitposting communities.
True. They probably get downvoted to oblivion.
Also, what was happening in that other site many of us used to be in so interactions between the same people talking the same points were so rare?
Bots. You never knew if you were talking to a bot.
Plus, way more assholes. Like way more.
I know exactly how you feel😂
Look at all these replies! I can’t wait to tell all these internet randos how wrong they are!
I sometimes write something that might be controversial, so unless I have a lot of free time I don’t open Lemmy at all, lol.
I know what I said, y’all’s angst feeds me.
This would all be easier if you all just agreed with me, the always correct person.
I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.
If I’m ever wrong. I delete that comment and pretend it didn’t happen. Or if someone actually makes a good counter argument I just go “meh, don’t feel like replying” and leave them unread. I do the worst crime. I’ll be 10 replies in and I won’t even downvote their last comment to let them know I read it. I’m sure it’s infuriating.
I got the last comment! I won!
I might not always be right, but I’m never wrong
I’m pretty excited to see and check what gained traction
Usually its when I either offend the libs on world or the fake leftists on ml/hexbear. Sometimes if I’m particularly skilled I piss off both of them at the exact same time (usually by advocating for true liberation for the working class not under a so called “vanguard” but by and for the workers themselves)
Thing is, it’s easy to offend people. It doesn’t take skill, or effort. And it’s not constructive; nobody in history has ever said, “you know, your comment about Communists all being retarded really changed my mind. I’m going to read Atlas Shrugged and become a capitalist!”
Usually when I say stuff that pisses people off, it’s because (a) a joke fell flat, or was not obviously a joke; (b) I was reacting emotionally and said something I intended to be hurtful; © I express an unpopular opinion. As I get older, the reactions to © more often make me scrutinize my opinion, to make sure I’m not just stupidly parroting something my fascist dad taught me when I was a child.
I used to play devil’s advocate, but it doesn’t feel good. It’s one thing if both parties go into it in good faith, and it’s clear neither is just trying to be a troll, but now? I don’t do it without establishing good faith first, and if I suspect someone’s just trolling… I just block them. Straight up. It’s easy, and I have one fewer irritants in my life.
So, that’s me. Why do _you_do it? Are you intentionally trying to rile people up, and if so, why? Are you angry at them? Or do you say you’re offending people just by expressing sincerely held opinions, and the snowflakes are getting triggered? Is everyone but you a hypocrite?
I mean, I believe everyone is a hypocrite, but there’s a spectrum, right? There’s a level where you are trying not to be a hypocrite, but it’s impossible to exist and not be at some level. Then there’s blatantly lying, saying one thing and doing another. A spectrum, and a lot of it boils down to good faith, and sincerity. Are you angry at faux liberals who you feel should be violently agitating for seizing the means of production, and are calling them out in their bullshit? Or just trying to make them angry so you can hurt them, just a little?
Half the time you just have to say “Fuck Tankies” or “Vote DNC” and you’ll get 4, 10, or even 20 of the most cookie cutter responses you’ve ever seen in your life.
That’s an awfully asymmetric expectation of effort!
Depends on how good the opponent’s automation is.
My first thought is always “Must be Nicole the Fediverse chick again” 😂
Find hot Nicoles in your local Fediverse!
I just got her message this morning! 😂
She never talks to me anymore after that one night…
I assume the right-wing propaganda planners have decided they need to counter something I said
Reminded me of this
should’ve went with the F250…
next time brah
Hahahahaaa I didn’t know which to use but totally