I personally think that we should introduce content warnings to Lemmy. While we’re at it, we could entirely replace NSFW with CWs. CWs are much more robust and nuanced.
Communities should define their own categories, and identify certain categories as CW.
Then clients could opt to auto-hide/blur those categories, and provide per-category overrides.
Last time I tried to post something, using voyager, I didn’t even see the option to flag as NSFW, idk if it’s community specific or if this client simply doesn’t support it.
I personally think that we should introduce content warnings to Lemmy. While we’re at it, we could entirely replace NSFW with CWs. CWs are much more robust and nuanced.
Imo we should go a step up from that:
Communities should define their own categories, and identify certain categories as CW.
Then clients could opt to auto-hide/blur those categories, and provide per-category overrides.
Last time I tried to post something, using voyager, I didn’t even see the option to flag as NSFW, idk if it’s community specific or if this client simply doesn’t support it.