glTF Sample Viewer 1.1 Released - eviltoast

The glTF Sample Viewer is an essential part of the glTF ecosystem. Developed by the Khronos 3D Formats Working Group, this open-source JavaScript viewer highlights the latest features of glTF, renders glTF files directly in a web browser, and can be easily integrated into other JavaScript projects using glTF.

Working closely with UX3D, a software company specializing in 3D rendering and user interfaces, Khronos has released version 1.1 of the Viewer, offering substantial functionality and usability improvements. In this blog, we’ll explore the new features of the glTF Sample Viewer 1.1 and share insights on how we’ve made it easier to integrate Sample Viewer into web applications.


  • Repository restructuring for easier renderer embedding
  • Added WebP support
  • Enhanced mobile support
  • Added KHR_animation_pointer support
  • glTF Validator integration