Ok, so if the entire world turns into a dictatorship, with no free countries. Seriously, who will even want to live in it? How long until the population just de-pops itself?
I am 31 years old. A lot of my friends aren’t chasing partners, yet those who do don’t really want to make babies due to the long array of problems affecting quality of life.
Now? That shit has been going on since the 90s. My native population has plateaued since 1990. The only reason the population grew was due to immigrants.
Same goes for America where a LOT of the populations got fewer and fewer kids since the 90s.
What people want will have little to do with it, unfortunately. The “hope” is that contraception bans combined with misleading/nonexistent sex ed will maintain a population.
Ok, so if the entire world turns into a dictatorship, with no free countries. Seriously, who will even want to live in it? How long until the population just de-pops itself?
We’re already there?
I am 31 years old. A lot of my friends aren’t chasing partners, yet those who do don’t really want to make babies due to the long array of problems affecting quality of life.
I’m not exactly a baby-maker myself. I am quite anti-natalist as a matter of fact.
Have you not noticed that tons of people are choosing not to have children now?
Now? That shit has been going on since the 90s. My native population has plateaued since 1990. The only reason the population grew was due to immigrants.
Same goes for America where a LOT of the populations got fewer and fewer kids since the 90s.
White, Christian nationalists are still having children.
They are an incredibly small group in Europe most people that can have children are not religious in the UK.
Gotta fill that quiver.
Oh well
What people want will have little to do with it, unfortunately. The “hope” is that contraception bans combined with misleading/nonexistent sex ed will maintain a population.
After they destroyed any sense of community? Pushing individualism might be what has led to this
Aside from the economy, the EU is pretty ok tbh…so “the whole world” is a bit of a stretch.
Central and South America as well. Canada can be fine