Beer (and wine) has to be really sweet at the start of the fermenting process, because that sugar is what feeds the yeast. If you don’t add any hops, then the resulting beverage tends to be malty sweet and very one dimensional. The hops cut down and balance the sweetness.
i mean, all beer does lol
fuck knows why you’d add bittering agents to a beverage, like mmm yes today i want to drink something poison flavour
Beer (and wine) has to be really sweet at the start of the fermenting process, because that sugar is what feeds the yeast. If you don’t add any hops, then the resulting beverage tends to be malty sweet and very one dimensional. The hops cut down and balance the sweetness.
you mean if you don’t add hops it’s actually malty and enjoyable? wow, now i hate beer even more!
You can get those kinds of beers.