Life has taught me to be more openminded about new Batman actors (Clooney notwithstanding). Pattinson was amazing, but for a more cartoony DC universe I would take Battfleck any day. If anyone deserves to be angry about how DC did them dirty it was him.
DCU’s loss.
Nah, Matt Reeves’ version has its own tone and aesthetic that is purely Batman. It doesn’t lend itself to a mixed universe with the likes of Superman and the Flash, nor should it. It can exist independently and do it’s own thing untethered from the new DCU canon. The DCU needs to have a world that feels like it fits the entire pantheon of DC heroes in it. Matt Reeves’ Batman world ain’t it. It feels suitably small and well defined for what it needs to be.
Confirmed… for like the 40th time.
Absolute Batman confirmed 👍
Give me Keaton any day. Best Batman.
DCU is so dead after the messe the execs made of the Snyder run. I want to see the Suicide Squad Ayer cut and then I’d be so out.
Suicide Squad was ass and I’ll die on that hill.