Do you have suggestions for other Authors/books? I liked all the Cosmere books to varying degrees.
I read Brian McClellan powder mage books, which are sort of similar and enjoyed those. I also read Cradle series by Will Wight which is not similar, but I enjoyed it a lot and it was an easy break from some more dense reading.
To tell the truth I haven’t read many other fantasy series. Sanderson finished off the Wheel of Time series, which I’ve heard is good. The first book Game of Thrones book was excellent, though I found it quite dense and haven’t got round to reading any more of his. I’ve got the Assassin’s Apprentice on my wishlist as someone recommended that too.
Do you have suggestions for other Authors/books? I liked all the Cosmere books to varying degrees.
I read Brian McClellan powder mage books, which are sort of similar and enjoyed those. I also read Cradle series by Will Wight which is not similar, but I enjoyed it a lot and it was an easy break from some more dense reading.
To tell the truth I haven’t read many other fantasy series. Sanderson finished off the Wheel of Time series, which I’ve heard is good. The first book Game of Thrones book was excellent, though I found it quite dense and haven’t got round to reading any more of his. I’ve got the Assassin’s Apprentice on my wishlist as someone recommended that too.