There are times I’d like to get a measurement of a room’s layout. I know there are some apps that do this, but a lot are just full of premium pay wall stuff.
I’m just trying to get the dimensions of my office (it is an odd shape) so I can okay around with potential furniture layouts.
I’ve used this before. It’s FLOSS
The android app asks me for a trial or to pay, but if I close it then it doesn’t seem to bother me (at least not right away). Maybe only the web version is FLOSS.
Either way, this is useful, but I was more interested in something I could my phone to measure the walls than manually put them in. Thanks though!
Ah, understood. I used the desktop application, never tried online or on android. Good luck!
I’ve used this as well, it’s capable enough, and it’s free as in beer. I didn’t see where it was opensource though.
GPL licence under the licences page on their website. Code is on sourceforge i think
I’ve used this for three houses now. It’s incredibly handy. I’m still not very good at it, but I did finally figure out how to make walls from a floorplan without having to do them individually.
FreeCAD has a BIM workbench but a fair warning - the learning curve is pretty steep, especially compared to the likes of SH3D and Sketchup
Yeah i was like, just let me get FreeCAD for this lil modelling projected i wanted to do…
Downloaded open it, try to use it, then tucked my dick… called a pro
I’m persevering because I want to use free software to design my 3d prints, but… it’s difficult, very difficult… I’m about to give up and go back to commercial CAD.
is commercial easier?
pirate it at least
Well of course I’m not paying several thosand euros just to design doodads for personal use.
Yes it’s easier. WAY easier. You can learn a lot with the traditional ones just experimenting, and newer stuff like Fusion 360 is even easier. With FreeCAD, you need to watch a tutorial for the simplest things.
I’m in the same boat… have made a model of my house in SH3D and sketchup in the past. Have since tried doing it in freecad but it really is a struggle but im persevering. Hopefully one day it’ll just “click” but its a major time sink atm so im putting it off
deleted by creator is pretty easy
Not sure why you’re down voted, because it’s not FOSS? But SketchUp is what I used when I designed my studio and it worked fine (and free). Learning the CAD options listed above is gonna be way harder. Otherwise, there’s always blender but same thing with the learning curve.