The Grug Brained Developer - A layman's guide to thinking like the self-aware smol brained - eviltoast

this collection of thoughts on software development gathered by grug brain developer

grug brain developer not so smart, but grug brain developer program many long year and learn some things although mostly still confused

grug brain developer try collect learns into small, easily digestible and funny page, not only for you, the young grug, but also for him because as grug brain developer get older he forget important things, like what had for breakfast or if put pants on

    10 months ago

    I learned about this page from The primetime and I mostly agree with the Grog especially on software testing. It’s funny that it came up when I was adding integration testing to our project that’s relying only on unit test with 0 integration testing. So many mocks are required and changing any behavior, while wishing that you don’t forget to update every mock is a wishful thinking.