So I have always gotten jokes. A friend told me his favorite and i just don't understand it. I did a web search and found variants but no explanation why it's funny or what it means. Can you help? - eviltoast

Cars have windows. Houses have windows. So it can’t be windows that makes the car go.

I swear I don’t understand, and he tried to explain it to me. He said it’s a double meaning with Windows the operating system but I just don’t don’t don’t get it.

Can anyone make this understandable to me? I may have screwed up the retelling, because honestly I have no idea what the hell’s going on with this joke.

    1 year ago

    You could always argue that humor does not equal jokes I guess, but these were just my 2 cents

    That was exactly my main point; but thanks for sharing your 2 cents anyway, they were still interesting.