So I have always gotten jokes. A friend told me his favorite and i just don't understand it. I did a web search and found variants but no explanation why it's funny or what it means. Can you help? - eviltoast

Cars have windows. Houses have windows. So it can’t be windows that makes the car go.

I swear I don’t understand, and he tried to explain it to me. He said it’s a double meaning with Windows the operating system but I just don’t don’t don’t get it.

Can anyone make this understandable to me? I may have screwed up the retelling, because honestly I have no idea what the hell’s going on with this joke.

    1 year ago

    I guess the joke is that someone is using logic and reasoning to figure out what propels a car as though it was some great mystery that needed to be analyzed and thought about. I don’t think it’s very funny and it could have also been your friend’s delivery.

      1 year ago

      Yeah to me it reads like an example of stupid genius. Like you’re smart enough to be able to logically equate similarities between different things while trying to use Aristotelian logic to uncover a fundamental truth about something.

      Oh in this case like you said, what makes the car go. And the idea is let’s find other things that also have similarities with cars and see if we can figure out what makes the car go based off of these similarities, and in this specific case we’re looking at windows and since cars go and they have Windows but houses don’t go and they also have Windows then it can’t be the windows that make the car go.

      But it’s definitely one of those things that would only be funny in context of somebody mentally reasoning through this in situ and coming to this conclusion by their own cognitive processes.

      Of course, explaining a joke doesn’t make it funny and if you have to explain a joke then it wasn’t funny to begin with so yeah.

      It’s kind of like the time I told a female friend, that I wasn’t dating, that, “if I didn’t like the way she sucked my dick then she wouldn’t like the way I ate her pussy”. It made everybody laugh but none of you are going to find that funny.

      It’s one of those things that sounds really bad by itself but in the situation it was hilarious and it was good-natured and only mildly offensive at the time.