Experiences with 2E Mythic Rules? - eviltoast

Since War of Immortals has been out for a while now, I am curious: Does anyone have any experiences with the new Mythic Rules for 2E?

My group played through the 1E Wrath of the Righteous Campaign years ago, and while they were a lot of fun in the sense of being able to do some truly preposterous amount of damage, they were not exactly well-polished.

  • Kichae@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    I haven’t touched Mythic rules, but from what I’ve heard they’re more polished and balanced than 1e’s, and as a result a good number of people who were hyped for them were disappointed. They sound more geared towards doing the kinds of things that capital-H Heroes did in classical mythology.

    You know, shovelling horse shit, tricking mindless sea monsters, and showing aged narcissists their own reflection.