What's a unique customization on your Linux machine you think no one else has? - eviltoast

Just wondering since I know a lot of people quietly use a screen-area-select -> tesseract OCR -> clipboard shortcut.

  • I separate subjects of interest into different Firefox windows, in different workspaces – so I have an extension title them and a startup script parse text to ask the compositor to put them in the correct workspace (lets me restart more conveniently).
  • I have automatically-set different-orientation wallpapers for using my 2-in-1 depending on whether I use it in portrait or landscape (kind of just for looks, but I don’t think if anyone else adds a wallpaper change to their screen rotation keybind).
  • irotsoma@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    2 days ago

    I’d love to see your implementation specs, code, pr any other technical details you’d like to share. I’m setting up home assistant and one of the things I want it to do is replace the functions of my thermostat and add some additional details.

    I used to have a Nest Thermostat, but my furnace needed to be replaced a couple of months back and I got a Mitsubishi heat pump, but their thermostat sucks, and it isnt compatible with Nest because it’s all wireless. I installed the WiFi add-on to the furnace so I can use the app, too, but it also sucks pretty bad. Plus I miss the functionality of it turning down the heat when I’m away to save money and turning it back on before I get home.

    So I’m planning to implement my own solution and documenting and open sourcing everything. But it’s going to be several months before I get to doing it due to other more urgent projects. So, I’m looking at everything available. I definitely will be setting up a small display to replace the thermostat and having motion detectors to turn on the display when you approach it to see the temperature and such and to supplement the home/away detection.

    Anyway, I would love to see your implementation to see how you did this piece of it.

    • atzanteol@sh.itjust.works
      2 days ago

      It’s really quite simple - but works pretty well. There are 3 components:

      Kiosk service

      A simple systemd service that starts a kiosk script.

      ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/pi/kiosk.sh

      Kiosk script

      The script in /home/pi/kiosk.sh just starts a web browser in full-screen mode pointed at my home assistant instance:

      xset s noblank
      xset s off
      xset -dpms
      export DISPLAY=:0.0 
      echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power
      unclutter -idle 0.5 -root &
      /usr/bin/chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --disable-infobars --kiosk $LANDING_PAGE

      Display service

      I have a very simple python/flask service that runs and exposes an endpoint that lets you turn on/off the display. It’s called by a homeassistant automation for when the motion detector senses or hasn’t sensed movement.

      Here’s the python - I have this started from another “kiosk.service” systemd service as well.

      #!/usr/bin/env python3
      import subprocess
      from flask import Flask
      from flask_restful import Api, Resource
      def turn_off_display():
          with(open(backlight_dev, 'w')) as dev:
      def turn_on_display():
          with(open(backlight_dev, 'w')) as dev:
      class DisplayController(Resource):
          def get(self, state):
              if state == 'off':
              elif state == 'on':
                  return {'message': f'Unknown state {state} - should be off/on'}, 500
              return {"message": "Success"}
      def init():
      if __name__ == "__main__":
          app = Flask(__name__)
          api = Api(app)
          api.add_resource(DisplayController, '/display/<string:state>')
          app.run(debug=False, host='', port=3000)

      You can then have the HA rest action call this with “http://pidisplay:3000/display/on” or off.