What's your pointers for running Horror in TTRPGs? - eviltoast

As the title says, I was wondering what’d make for good horror in the medium, and thought I’d try to ask here!

  • Jürgen Hubert@ttrpg.network
    1 month ago

    A good model for fantasy horror is #WFRP. Adventures and campaigns tend to make sure that the PCs become well acquainted with the travails and worries of ordinary people, and this makes them invested in protecting others. Furthermore, the adventures also make clear that the adventurers aren’t at the top of the social pecking order. Thus, letting other people know that they destroyed a major Chaos cult cell is generally a bad idea - the relatives of the “respectable citizens” they killed in the cult hideout want them executed for murder, and witch hunters want to check what exactly they know about dark, forbidden truths…

    It’s not a proper #WFRP adventure if the PCs don’t feel the need to skip town in a hurry by its end. 😉