This is the answer to why AI is useless when we abolish capitalism - eviltoast

“What trillion-dollar problem is AI trying to solve?”

Wages. They’re trying to use it to solve having to pay wages.

    2 months ago

    OK, not disputing that, but that process has eff all to do with AI. Gen AI gave people a recognizable target, but automation was done using good old dumb algorithms for a long time before we taught computers to babble like a toddler. I was in the room for a ton of “can we automate all this QA” when machine learning was failing to tell a cat apart from a bycicle.

    Also, for your specific case I think Youtube and social media had a TON to do with the shifting standards of running a skeleton crew TV studio. Ditto for the press in general. Remember when copy editors were a thing?

        2 months ago

        I don’t even know what it can do that’s useful. The prompter maybe, and captioning if you’re feeling frisky and don’t mind airing something insane by accident.

        But what, you’re going to let an AI handle chyrons and cut-ins? I did briefly work at a TV station and back then we had two separate continuity guys and three redundant automated sources for all canned content just to make sure you never got a black frame. I once saw a guy get fired for three seconds of dead air in a commercial break because at least back then absolutely any mistake around commercials was a huge, automatic money loss.

        I absolutely believe you when you say it’s degraded, because… well, again, Youtube and Netflix, but at most you can… you know, cut one of the two guys so you can still fire the other when the AI plugs in something random instead of an ad.

        Alright, let me rephrase that. You can definitely cut more than that, but you’re probably going to have to un-cut that pretty fast when some AI claims that someone is an international art thief in a chyron or something.