why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? - eviltoast

so this happened to me yesterday, i was hanging out with a few of my relatives and we were doing a lot of stuff and we were having fun but i realized that when my relatives talk to each other they talk like proper adults because well, they are, like, they can swear and stuff, but when i talk to them they are like “yea buddy sure!!” or talk to me like as if i was some sort of young person, and even my friends do that same thing, all of them!!! it feels like i’m not part of anyone’s conversation which sucks but well it’s fine!!!

  • Mistic@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    And here’s your other issue…

    Nothing of what I said was meant as an offense. Yet you took it to hearts. That is not a response one would normally expect. It’s almost as if I’m reading a script from a teenage drama show where a character has an unresolved inner conflict. Doesn’t mean I’m correct, just some food for thought.

    Your question was “why people act like I’m a kid?” I only shared my observations of why that could be the case. That doesn’t mean you need to change anything. Not if you yourself are ok with it.

    Also, I was well aware you’re 21 at the moment of writing the comment. Yet again, I’m merely answering your question, I really don’t mean anything beyond what is written. I’m not judging, no nothing, everything I write should be read in as neutral tone as possible.

    The rest was me speculating. Those aren’t the questions you should be answering to me, only to yourself. After all, a random stranger on the internet can only do so much, you’re the only one who can answer your own question. Best I can do is point you in a direction to dig further, which those were meant for. It’s all about retrospective.