Do you think people want a job where they have to listen to you bitch that you don't have enough pickles on your burger out of the goodness of their hearts, Janice? - eviltoast
    11 days ago

    In Ontario, teachers are paid a respectable wage (six figures is fairly easily attainable for a full-time teacher) with solid pension, vacation, and benefits (the association managing the teacher’s pension is one of the biggest single stock investors in the country).

    People complain that “just teachers” shouldn’t be pulling 100k+ salaries all the time, but the thing is, being a teacher requires about 6 years of post-secondary here, a bachelor’s degree + teachers college. On top of that, there are continuing education requirements. Usually once I explain to people that someone with 6 years of post-secondary will often be getting $100k+ in private industry and thus teacher’s salaries are simply being competitive to that, they generally are somewhat understanding.