Why do people install expensive hardwood flooring in their kitchens, the place where you are most likely to drop food, cutlery, spill liquids, etc? - eviltoast

Seems like a terrible idea to me.

You make one mistake one time and bingo, you cost yourself a few grand to have it sanded, leveled, varnished, and polished.

  • EarthShipTechIntern@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    You might look for more competent flooring people.

    When I was working with a 3rd generation hardwood master, we would glue in a replacement chip or swap the board if the chip was huge. And stain to match (if appropriate). And refinish.

    Always, ALWAYS make the finished product an even, flat floor.

    Stained potholes? Wtf ever. Fire that team.