What are your top 10 science fiction books? - eviltoast

I’m new to scifi books, and books in general. (only got into reading 3 years ago) I’ve read dune, the dispossessed , a fire upon the deep and the stars my destination. I’m currently reading the left hand of darkness . What should i read next? Suggest me some of your must-reads.

  • ikidd@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    written by someone who never read other sci-fi before

    And lauded by people that have never read SF before. It’s like it was written by a literature prof with zero understanding of anything scientific and if he handwaved enough, everyone was just going to hypnotized into a suspension of disbelief. And the terrible character development. And the deus ex machina plot device that invalidates everything else. And and and. Just horrible.