Keeping cats indoors is a rare solution where everybody wins - eviltoast

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I am not here to make the case that cats should be kept indoors for the sake of local wildlife – that case has been made over and over and over and over again. Cat owners know these arguments, and if they have not been persuaded by the fact that cats kill more than 6 million native animals in Australia a day they will not be persuaded by me.

There is a fairly tedious assumption that if you love wildlife you must hate cats, and visa versa. And nothing will turn cat people off faster than encountering a person who hates cats.

I understand this. I also hate people who hate cats. So let’s set the birds and the bettongs to one side for the moment, and consider the other, obvious fact: cats should be kept indoors for the sake of cats.

    1 year ago

    this needs to be said louder, there is no good reason to keep cats outside the house other than laziness and purposeful ignorance. Beyond that is malicious intent. Roaming cats should be taken to shelters to protect both them and wildlife until people learn to keep them inside like every other pet.