Open source phone - eviltoast

Is there any open source/diy dumb phones? Pine64 should make one If there ist any on market :D

      3 months ago

      As cool as federation is, I think in the case of a single source of information seeking to be as reputable and neutral as possible, it kinda just seems like federation and allowing bunches of different versions of the same articles would undermine the project’s ability to organize effectively and present itself in a useful way to the public…

      I do like the idea of multiple separate community wikis existing with their own different culture, but I expect it’d be difficult for multiple to really exist at scale simultaneously, just cause there isn’t that big a pool of people dedicated to editing community articles and splitting them seems like a challenge. But the Wikipedia article on bias on Wikipedia suggests that articles with more contributors of differing viewpoints reduce the bias, so like there’s also an argument to be made for more conservative folks just contributing to Wikipedia

      And unfortunately in the case of infogalactic specifically, I think explicitly stating that you aim your resource to align with certain ideology, or avoid a specific bias on one of the spectrum means I’ll never really see it as a reputable source. They went in the the intention of creating something with a bias or ideological slant; I respect Wikipedia because of how hard they work to minimize bias, even though it’s ultimately impossible to remove