What are you not nostalgic for? - eviltoast

I don’t miss dial-up internet, I just don’t. I don’t even like the sound because it’s just digital screeches and it’s a sound that makes me cringe a little upon hearing it. Because I remember the times when I’d be listening to music with headphones with volume high and then that fucking digital screech just blares into my ears.

I don’t miss waiting 30 minutes to load a page. I don’t miss a bit of it.

  • BCsven@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    Yeah, should have been more descriptive. I have purchased smokers homes. Getting walls and ceiling clean was a nightmare. The Ralph Lauren paints was part of their antiquing collection?? I believe. It had various types like heavy smoke, light smoke and nicotene. They were sort of a translucent after finish you applied. They would not give the stickiness of nicotene tar, but give the yellowed over layer. You could paint on thick, but it looked like many used the spray on and dab off, to get either smoke or nicotene accumulation at corners and have general wall the chosen colour. It found it hilarious that people would be spending top dollar on Ralph Lauren with purpose of making your wallpaper or painted wall look dirty. But maybe it got used to remodel heritage homes or movie sets to get the era right.