Which Motörhead song do you think it is? - eviltoast

Hello there, my delightful void!

So, Ghost en Espanol posted this question on IG and I know a bunch of people assumed [God Was Never On Your Side] (https://youtu.be/o1hSSuc42P8) and the funny thing is, I’ve had [Love Me Like a Reptile] (https://youtu.be/mx6zew2a-mc) stuck in my head off and on for a couple weeks, now and though that one actually is from 1980- God Was Never On Your Side is from 2006- but even I thought about it at first because let’s face it, it’s a pretty brilliant song.

I am torn between LMLAR and Live To Win, at this point and I’m probably incorrect either way. 😂

(Now let’s just see if I’ve formatted properly…)