Microsoft stealthily installs Windows 10 update to nag you to upgrade to Windows 11 – and not for the first time - eviltoast
  • A new patch is being quietly pushed to Windows 10 (and 11) PCs
  • It’ll force upgrades in certain circumstances to keep the PC in support
  • This update will mean more nag prompts coming to your PC
    4 months ago

    And for those on the other side of the Atlantic, there are several computer shops that will just put a computed together for you without an OS.

    Here’s a random example “configure your own computer” from a computer shop in France. In this one the OS (Système d’exploitation) is not included and you have to pay extra for it.

    In my experience with custom assemblies like this the OS is never included.

    When I live in the UK at some point I’ve even used of these kind of stores there to get a custom notebook.

    It’s basically an “assemble your own computer” for people who don’t know how to do it and aren’t confident enough to try (understandable given that the parts value of a whole desktop PC adds up to at least €1000 so there generally is some fear of fucking it up if you’ve never done it before).