I had already used it before realising it was one or the other, honestly its one of the better TLD’s IMO, too bad Cloudflare doesn’t support it yet.
Edit: I should have mentioned, you have to make a tentative payment of 1 USD, which is reverted.
How does everyone like porkbun? I have a lot of domains at Google that im looking to move to cloudflare, gandhi, or porkbun, but haven’t decided which yet.
I’m fairly happy with porkbun, I would choose CloudFlare due to the services they offer, but considering they don’t support as many TLD’s, Porkbun would be my preference.
I’ve been with for over a decade, have nothing but good things to say about them.
I’ve used gandi for about 10 years as well, but they lost me to porkbun with their recent not-so-well communicated price increases (including dropping the small free email mailboxes)
I didn’t feel like they were too badly communicated, but maybe that’s just means my standards for corporate coms isn’t very high.
I’m currently testing as a replacement - $19/year seems like a pretty good deal.
I can’t speak to long term, but I just registered my first domain through them yesterday and it seemed fine. Better than other small services I’ve used in the past, for sure.
Been using them for years and aside from a single domain at Google (rip) I have been using them exclusively for the last couple of years with around 10 domains. Hard to beat the prices and the support is top-notch.
And who doesn’t love a cute little piggie!
I’ve used them for years, never had any issues and I’d say they are very reasonably priced.
I’m in the minority here when I say this and my situation may have been a very very special case or something but I tried transferring one of my domains from Gandi to Porkbun (after the new price increase). Upon paying, they needed to do extra verification which involved taking a selfie and sending a photo of my government ID.
I don’t really know what triggered this (Gandi has never asked for a selfie and government ID) so I moved elsewhere. Unfortunately, they still haven’t refunded me for the cancelled transaction but in the support email, they said they already did and it might take some time before it’s processed or whatever. It’s been almost 20 days since then. I probably need to contact my bank tomorrow.
Again, I’m not trying to besmirch Porkbun but I felt like mentioning this anyway. They’re support team replies very fast however and they’re really nice.
Any reason you’re not just sticking with Squarespace?
Aren’t their renewal rate hikes higher?
Squarespace seems to be targeting a very different market.
In what way?
Their adverts are all about websites for people who don’t know how to create websites.
That’s a fair question, I agree with the other commenter that they’re targeting a different market. It took me a while to even find pricing on their website specifically for domains, but did find this faq:
Minimum $20/yr is more expensive than some other registrars. I’m not even sure if you can register domains normally without also paying for other services from squarespace, but I’ve never seen them mentioned when talking about domain registrars either.
All I need is the ability to register domains, have domain whois privacy, and the ability to change nameservers. Squarespace has a lot of other products that I’m not interested in, and if they aren’t making money off of domain renewals - I’d fully expect to be peppered with ads and marketing trying to upsell me. I don’t have any prior experience with squarespace, but I do have experience with several others that I’d consider moving more domains over to first.
Really appreciate the response - thank you.
I just had a handful of domains tick over renewal on Google Domains in the past week, so I suppose I’ll have some time to see what Squarespace is like from an administration perspective before I end up having to commit to renewing with them.