Valve likely earned over $1bn in Counter-Strike 2 loot boxes last year - eviltoast

Valve likely made over $1bn last year from loot boxes in Counter-Strike 2. That’s according to data from CS2 Case Track…

  • thingsiplay
    5 months ago

    Loot boxes should not be in computer games.

    As much as I like Valve, Valve is one of the major player bringing and normalizing Lootboxes into games. Even before the Lootboxes was a thing on smartphones, let alone before they arrived on other AAA games as well. I think this is the worst contribution of Valve to videogames. And this statement comes from someone who usually defends this company.

    • snooggums
      25 months ago

      Same! I don’t play CS 2 and pretty much forgot that they do the lootbox thing.