How to respond to gf saying "I'm fat" - eviltoast

She gained some weight but she is not fat at all!

    446 months ago

    For the past year ive been struggling with my body image because of a small amount of weight gain even though im fully aware im not fat. I love my husband to death, but i wish he had done the below when i expressed disliking my physical appearance.

    Stop and hug them. Give them reassurance through physical contact. Tell them you love them. Hearing it, even when you know you are loved, is reassuring. Tell them they’re beautiful and compliment something specific about them, like the color of their eyes or a cute mole. Then, treat them to a date somewhere they can dress up “fancy”, spend the night complimenting their appearance, and “show them off” as if you cant help but brag to the world that a beautiful woman like her chose to be with you that night.