Ackchyually, not every Linux is a GNU Linux - eviltoast

Some examples:

  • Android
  • Alpine: Alpine Linux is built around musl libc and busybox
  • glaucus: A simple and lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and toybox
  • Chimera (alpha stage): Chimera uses a novel combination of core tools from FreeBSD, the LLVM toolchain, and the Musl C library
  • Zloubida
    168 months ago

    Android is exactly why I think it’s important not to ditch GNU in GNU/Linux. I don’t care about codelines, I care about the philosophy.

    • DavelOP
      68 months ago

      Philosophy probably did play a significant role: Google could have chosen BusyBox, which is GPL licensed, if their concern was solely the GNU user space’s comparative bloat.